Contract con_mintorburn_v3

Contract Code

1 # -> <-
2 # LST001
3 import currency
4 I = importlib
7 balances = Hash(default_value=0)
8 # LST002
9 metadata = Hash()
10 circulating_supply = Variable()
11 holders = Variable()
12 random.seed()
13 # LST001
14 # LST002
15 @construct
16 def seed():
18 metadata['rocketswap_contract'] = "con_rocketswap_official_v1_1"
20 # LST002
21 metadata['token_name'] = "Mint or Burn"
22 metadata['token_symbol'] = "MOB"
23 metadata['operator'] = ctx.caller
24 metadata['mint_or_burn_percentage'] = 2
25 metadata['buy_tax'] = decimal(6)
26 metadata['sell_tax'] = decimal(8)
27 metadata['redistribute_tau_perc'] = decimal(80)
28 metadata['dev_perc_of_tax'] = decimal(20)
29 metadata['burn_address'] = "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000dead"
30 metadata['old_contract'] = "con_mintorburn"
31 metadata['is_initial_liq_ready'] = False
32 metadata['swap_enabled'] = False
33 metadata['min_token_for_redistribution'] = 2500000
34 metadata['tau_pool'] = decimal(0)
35 circulating_supply.set(0)
36 holders.set([]) # Only people who own > min_token_for_redistribution MOB or list gets too long
38 # v1 to v2 swaps but v2 was broken and v1 tokens are gone
39 balances['ff61544ea94eaaeb5df08ed863c4a938e9129aba6ceee5f31b6681bdede11b89'] = 697891683
40 balances['25410ac58295c8fe956c443135606fa385da5a3c80dea693148ed94a1bafe56d'] = 86528693
41 balances['2091efd8e68e9700e2896c1930c09e05f4f642bb9fefb305733c02b0d509e388'] = 235212
43 @export
44 def balance_of(address: str):
45 return balances[address]
47 @export
48 def allowance(owner: str, spender: str):
49 return balances[owner, spender]
51 # LST002
52 @export
53 def change_metadata(key: str, value: Any):
54 assert ctx.caller == metadata['operator'
55 ], 'Only operator can set metadata!'
56 metadata[key] = value
58 @export
59 def change_holders(value: Any):
60 assert ctx.caller == metadata['operator'
61 ], 'Only operator can set metadata!'
62 holders.set(value)
64 # LST001
65 @export
66 def approve(amount: float, to: str):
67 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances!'
68 balances[ctx.caller, to] += amount
69 return balances[ctx.caller, to]
71 def mint_or_burn(amount: float):
72 outcome = random.randint(1,2)
73 if(outcome == 1):
74 return amount + amount/100*metadata['mint_or_burn_percentage']
75 else:
76 balances[metadata["burn_address"]] += amount/100*metadata['mint_or_burn_percentage']
77 return amount - amount/100*metadata['mint_or_burn_percentage']
79 def calc_taxes(amount: float, trade_type: str):
80 if(trade_type == "buy"):
81 return amount/100*metadata['buy_tax']
82 elif(trade_type == "sell"):
83 return amount/100*metadata['sell_tax']
85 def pay_dev_fee(amount:float, tx_type:str):
86 if(tx_type == "sell"):
87 rocketswap = I.import_module(metadata['rocketswap_contract'])
88 tokens_for_dev = amount/100*metadata['dev_perc_of_tax']
89 balances["con_mintorburn_v3", metadata['rocketswap_contract']] += tokens_for_dev
90 currency_amount = rocketswap.sell(contract="con_mintorburn_v3",token_amount=tokens_for_dev)
91 currency.approve(amount=currency_amount,to=metadata['operator'])
92 currency.transfer(amount=currency_amount,to=metadata['operator'])
93 else:
94 rocketswap = I.import_module(metadata['rocketswap_contract'])
95 tokens_for_dev = amount/100*metadata['dev_perc_of_tax']
96 balances["con_mintorburn_v3", metadata['rocketswap_contract']] += tokens_for_dev
97 currency_amount = rocketswap.sell(contract="con_mintorburn_v3",token_amount=tokens_for_dev)
98 currency.approve(amount=currency_amount,to=metadata['operator'])
99 currency.transfer(amount=currency_amount,to=metadata['operator'])
101 def pay_redistribute_tau(amount:float, tx_type:str):
102 if(tx_type == "sell"):
103 rocketswap = I.import_module(metadata['rocketswap_contract'])
104 tokens_for_ins = amount/100*metadata['redistribute_tau_perc']
105 balances["con_mintorburn_v3", metadata['rocketswap_contract']] += tokens_for_ins
106 currency_amount = rocketswap.sell(contract="con_mintorburn_v3",token_amount=tokens_for_ins)
107 metadata['tau_pool'] += currency_amount
108 else:
109 rocketswap = I.import_module(metadata['rocketswap_contract'])
110 tokens_for_ins = amount/100*metadata['redistribute_tau_perc']
111 balances["con_mintorburn_v3", metadata['rocketswap_contract']] += tokens_for_ins
112 currency_amount = rocketswap.sell(contract="con_mintorburn_v3",token_amount=tokens_for_ins)
113 metadata['tau_pool'] += currency_amount
115 @export
116 def redistribute_tau():
117 for key in holders.get():
118 if(type((balances[key]/circulating_supply.get()*100)) == decimal):
119 currency.transfer(amount=metadata["tau_pool"]/100*(balances[key]/circulating_supply.get()*100),to=key)
120 else:
121 currency.transfer(amount=metadata["tau_pool"]/100*decimal(balances[key]/circulating_supply.get()*100),to=key)
122 metadata['tau_pool'] = decimal(0)
125 @export
126 def token_swap(amount:float):
127 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot swap negative balances!'
128 assert metadata['swap_enabled'] == True or ctx.caller == metadata['operator'], "The token swap is currently not enabled"
129 old_mob = I.import_module(metadata['old_contract'])
130 old_mob.transfer_from(amount=amount, to=ctx.this, main_account=ctx.caller)
131 balances[ctx.caller] += amount
132 circulating_supply.set(circulating_supply.get() + amount)
133 holders_list = holders.get()
134 if(balances[ctx.caller] < metadata['min_token_for_redistribution']):
135 if(ctx.caller in holders_list):
136 holders_list.remove(ctx.caller)
137 holders.set(holders_list)
138 else:
139 if(ctx.caller not in holders_list):
140 holders_list.append(ctx.caller)
141 holders.set(holders_list)
143 def processTransferNonStandard(amount: float, to: str, main_account: str=""):
144 modified_amount = mint_or_burn(amount=amount)
145 if(ctx.caller == metadata['rocketswap_contract'] and to != ctx.this and main_account == "" and metadata['is_initial_liq_ready']):
146 taxes = calc_taxes(amount=modified_amount,trade_type="buy")
147 if(taxes > 1):
148 balances["con_mintorburn_v3"] += taxes
149 pay_dev_fee(amount=taxes,tx_type="buy")
150 pay_redistribute_tau(amount=taxes,tx_type="buy")
151 modified_amount -= taxes
152 elif(to==metadata['rocketswap_contract'] and ctx.signer == main_account and metadata['is_initial_liq_ready']):
153 taxes = calc_taxes(amount=modified_amount,trade_type="sell")
154 if(taxes > 1):
155 balances["con_mintorburn_v3"] += taxes
156 pay_dev_fee(amount=taxes,tx_type="sell")
157 pay_redistribute_tau(amount=taxes,tx_type="sell")
158 modified_amount -= taxes
160 return modified_amount
162 # LST001
163 @export
164 def transfer(amount: float, to: str):
165 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances!'
166 sender = ctx.caller
167 assert balances[sender] >= amount, 'Not enough coins to send!'
168 balances[sender] -= amount
169 balances[to] += processTransferNonStandard(amount, to)
170 holders_list = holders.get()
171 if(balances[sender] < metadata['min_token_for_redistribution'] and sender != metadata['rocketswap_contract']):
172 if(sender in holders_list):
173 holders_list.remove(sender)
174 holders.set(holders_list)
175 else:
176 if(sender not in holders_list):
177 holders_list.append(sender)
178 holders.set(holders_list)
180 # LST001
181 @export
182 def transfer_from(amount: float, to: str, main_account: str):
183 assert amount > 0, 'Cannot send negative balances!'
184 sender = ctx.caller
185 assert balances[main_account, sender
186 ] >= amount, 'Not enough coins approved to send! You have {} and are trying to spend {} ({})'.format(
187 balances[main_account, sender], amount, ctx.caller)
188 assert balances[main_account] >= amount, 'Not enough coins to send! You have {} and are trying to spend {} ({})'.format(
189 balances[main_account], amount, main_account)
190 balances[main_account, sender] -= amount
191 balances[main_account] -= amount
192 balances[to] += processTransferNonStandard(amount, to, main_account)
193 holders_list = holders.get()
194 if(balances[main_account] < metadata['min_token_for_redistribution'] and main_account != metadata['rocketswap_contract']):
195 if(main_account in holders_list):
196 holders_list.remove(main_account)
197 holders.set(holders_list)
198 else:
199 if(main_account not in holders_list):
200 holders_list.append(main_account)
201 holders.set(holders_list)

Byte Code
